【更新黑暗方尖碑】气势磅礴的新版坦克正在向我们招手!—— 星际2答疑第7批

Many on the forums have asked, if their feedback is being used. From question 1, you can see they definitely have. Your voice does matter, so keep up the constructive feedback, as we are indeed reading. Be sure to follow up on the BlizzCon news August 3-4, as there will be lots of StarCraft II news!

Again, give devs and me a w00t! if you are enjoying these Q&As!

–Karune Briefing–

StarCraft II Q&A Batch 7
? ? —星际争霸2答疑第7批—

1) Will the look of the siege tank be changed for the final version?
In response to much fan feedback, the siege tank has indeed been redesigned, with a much more powerful look to it. This visually redesigned siege tank will be shown at BlizzCon 2007.

-应广大粉丝的要求,坦克着实重新设计了一番其外形远比原先有气势。视觉效果重新设计之后的坦克将在BlizzCon 2007上展出。

2) Will there be a ctrl-a key stroke to select all your units on screen?
Not at this moment, but the hot keys have not been finalized yet for StarCraft II.

-会有按下Ctrl + a选择屏幕上所有单位的功能吗?

3) Will we get to hear the return of some of the original melodic themes from SC1 (like the Terran themes), or will the music for StarCraft II be completely new?
There will mostly be new epic theme songs with similarities to the original faction music. Music is still definitely in the works, thus we will not rule out a reprise of one of the original songs.


4) Will the High Templar still be able to create hallucinations?
In the current version of StarCraft II, the Hallucination ability will be back, but not as a High Templar ability, but rather a Star Relic ability.
-在当前版本的SC2中,幻像技能得到保留,但不再是HT的技能,而是星辰遗迹(Star Relic)的技能。

5) When will you release a StarCraft II Fan Site kit?
The Fan Site Kit will be released around BlizzCon.

什么时候放出SC2 粉丝网站全套东东?


darktemplar_L-The protoss structure that looks like a very tall pylon. In the gameplay video, it is during when the Terran Reapers are running and before they talk about warp-in. Please Answer mine. What is that structure?
Karune — It is currently the Dark Obelisk, a building needed to build Dark Templars. Again, this is subject to change still.

网友-So does that mean the templar archives are gone or are thy HT and DT just going to require 2 different buildings?
Karune-They currently need separate buildings, but again, building pre-requisites fall under balance, and there is still much balance testing going on. All is subject to change.

-在Gameplay Video中出现的那个形似高大水晶柱的神族建筑是什么东东?



网友Also, Karune, can you confirm or deny that Dark Templars have lost their permanent cloaking?
Karune-The Dark Templars will be permanently cloaked, the same as in the original StarCraft


