周六一天因为有事外出直到晚上才回来,睡觉之前看了看博客,吓了我一跳,赫然几个大字:This Account Has Been Suspended. 因为之前从没有出现过这种情况,所以马上登录Cpanel,可是让我想不到的是,BH系统提示:
cPanel account has been de-activated
Dear Customer,
Looking at your account, it has been suspended due to a copyright violation with mp3’s in /home/******/public_html/tioner.cn/wp-content/uploads/up. You still have access to your control panel so please delete the mp3’s and then contact us again so that we can reactivate your site. Thank you for your cooperation.
知道原因后我又赶紧登录上BlueHost的Live Chat,因为这玩意儿毕竟快一些嘛,以下是我与BH客服人员的对话:
erick [11:03:31 AM]: Thank you for contacting support! Please give me moment to read through your question.
Wei Sun [11:03:31 AM]: Hello, my domain is sunnyfly.com and password is ******. When I logined the cPanel, the system told me that the cPanel account has been de-activated.
What’s wrong with my cPanel account?
erick [11:04:05 AM]: Let me look it up
Wei Sun [11:04:13 AM]: Ok, thanks.
erick [11:04:44 AM]: The account has been deactivated for having copyrighted material on it
Wei Sun [11:05:50 AM]: Will you have my Cpanel turned back on so that I can removed the data?
erick [11:06:12 AM]: Yes
erick [11:06:18 AM]: Before we can proceed I need to make sure you are an authorized user on the account. I need you to provide me with the either the full cPanel password OR the last four digits of the credit card on account. If you paid with PayPal, I will need the original invoice number from your purchase.This chat is secure (https) and all data transfer is encrypted.
Wei Sun [11:07:15 AM]: My full cPanel password is ******.
erick [11:09:31 AM]: The cpanel has been turned back on. You can remove the fiels
[11:09:34 AM]: *files
erick [11:10:59 AM]: /home/******/public_html/tioner.cn/wp-content/uploads/up
Wei Sun [11:11:10 AM]: Ok, I got it.
[11:11:29 AM]: Thanks so much. Good night.
[11:12:19 AM]: But I still saw that This Domain (sunnyfly.com) Has Been Disabled
erick [11:13:44 AM]: The website won’t be back up until you have removed the files
Wei Sun [11:14:06 AM]: Ok.
[11:14:14 AM]: Waiy a while.
[11:14:20 AM]: *wait
[11:15:36 AM]: Ok, I have removed the files.
erick [11:16:04 AM]: Let me take a look
[11:19:17 AM]: It’s back on
[11:21:44 AM]: have a good day!